• Platges idíl·liques
  • Sent la brisa del vent
  • Viu i gaudeix
  • Gaudeix en família

t restaurants


Can Kiku

Tapas, hamburgers, salads and meats

Average price: 15 €
Address: 10-12 Major street
Telèfon: +34 972 28 22 95

Ubicació en el plànol: C4

Prices have been given by the establishments to the Tourist Information Office.


La Rambla, 22 · 17220 Sant Feliu de Guíxols
turisme@guixols.cat · Tel. 972 820 051

Winter opening hours : Monday to Saturday from 9.30 to 18h – Sundays and holidays from 10 to 14h
Summer opening hours: every day from 10a.m to 8p.m.

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Ajuntament de Sant Feliu de Guíxols

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